Hello again, I want to tell you who I would like to meet. This person is J.k Rowling, mostly known for Harry Potter saga, because she is the author of the 7 books of the saga. But most people don't know, that Rowling is a well-known philanthropist who supports charities such as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain.

However, I admire J.K Rowling a lot because she invented a whole new world. Her imagination was prolific to write and describe in detail a magical world. Her books talk about the adventures of 3 friends in a magic school. Its name is Hogwarts.

When I was a little girl, I was a frequent reader of her books and others related to fantastic worlds. Today I`m not a frequent reader because I don`t have much time but I still read in holidays. 

you have not read any of her books you have to do it.


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