
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

My future Job

  Hi mates, today I will write about a job that I would like to have. If I’m true, I don’t really want to have a job with a strict work schedule. I would like not to have a routine, because I will get bored. I want to be a beekeeper. If I could be a beekeeper I could have my own time and distribute it as I want. Also I would like to be a beekeeper so I will work  outdoors, in contact with nature. Selling honey doesn’t make much money but I would make some products for skincare out of honey. Also bees don’t make just honey, they are the most important pollinator and they are crucial for all life on Earth, so I would like to protect as many bees as I can. Another thing that I would like to do is cultivating mushrooms. In Chile there isn’t much information about all of them, so I would like to learn more by myself. In the future I would like to take a degree in Sustainable Apicultural Management of the Native Forest. It will take about one year and the degree is focused on giving...
  Hello again, I want to tell you who I would like to meet. T his person is J.k Rowling, mostly known for Harry Potter saga, because she is the author of the 7 books of the saga. But most people don't know, that Rowling is a well-known philanthropist who supports charities such as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain. However, I admire J.K Rowling a lot because she invented a whole new world. Her imagination was prolific to write and describe in detail a magical world. Her books talk about the adventures of 3 friends in a magic school. Its name is Hogwarts. When I was a little girl, I was a frequent reader of her books and others related to fantastic worlds. Today I`m not a frequent reader because I don`t have much time but I still read in holidays.  you have not read any of her books you have to do it.

My Favorite Children Program

  Hi mates, today I will write about my favorite children program. The program I am going to talk about is “Cachureos” I used to watch this program early in the morning every weekend. I like this program because I could learn a lot of songs, it was a program for entertainment. where the characters dressed up as different roles. Also, they invited to play, dance and sing. In other words, this children program invited children to keep on moving. I think that the reason  why I liked it, is because I watched it with my cousin. When the weekend  arrived I used to get very excited, that moment was the time to play with my cousin everything we wanted. I remember one time we went to live show of “Cachureos” and saw the “Chicas yeyes, who we loved, it was the best day of my girlhood! The funniest thing is that every time I listen to the sing “Chica yeye” I remember my cousin, because her name is Yessenia.