
English Language Challenges

  Hi my friends! Today I will write the last blog L In the begining I dont like really much write the blogs because I thought it will be boring and it will take too much time, but after I start to write the first one of them I change my mind, I enjoyed it and it was a little easy. Write this blog was a very interesting experience to learn english in    a different way, writing our ideas and expresing our opinions about a lot of topics and them upload to a web plataform was a oportunity to read the blog of my mates and know her and his opinions and preferences. It was really useful to increase the vocabulary and practise the redaction. Now I think I´m better writing in english. I hope can continue practise english lenguage to be better and learn to speak it well, so I could travel one day to any place and comunicated with the people. Also english is important to understend the papers of the career and in a few years it will help I to get a magister in London.   I hope...

Changes to my Study Program

Forestry is a career in the Faculty of Agronomy and the most of resources of the University are centered in Faculty of Economy and Engineering, so the Forestry infrastructure is not the best. It will be great if Forestry has bigger classrooms so we can have our classes in Arauco building. In some subjects is not enough time in the year to do the practice activities and is there where we learn the most important things about our career. It will be nice if these activities could be prioritized. Another thing that I will change is the methodology of teaching of some teachers. Sometimes they doesn’t considerate that the week doesn’t have enough days to do all the work. In Forestry the subjects are not annuals but they can make you lose a complete year if you do not approve it because there is some subjects that are requisite to go to the final annual practice activity. I understand that is necessary approve all the subjects but is a real problem when someone can’t do it for different probl...

Time Travel to the Future

  Hi everyone, today I will write about how I imagine a trip in time to the future. I love make plans and have creative ideas about the future, my future and people’s future. Then, I would like to land in an age where everything is sustainable and clean, on a place where the environment is paramount and is composed of a lot of vegetation. I would like to get to a future where people are empathic with nature and animals. Also, I would like to reach a future where people have an ecocentric view of the environment and understand that we are part of the environment, therefore it is our duty not to destroy it. If you ask me, would you like to stay there? The answer is obviously, I imagine good things for the future, or so I prefer to believe. I truly hope that people live with more compassion and passion.

My future Job

  Hi mates, today I will write about a job that I would like to have. If I’m true, I don’t really want to have a job with a strict work schedule. I would like not to have a routine, because I will get bored. I want to be a beekeeper. If I could be a beekeeper I could have my own time and distribute it as I want. Also I would like to be a beekeeper so I will work  outdoors, in contact with nature. Selling honey doesn’t make much money but I would make some products for skincare out of honey. Also bees don’t make just honey, they are the most important pollinator and they are crucial for all life on Earth, so I would like to protect as many bees as I can. Another thing that I would like to do is cultivating mushrooms. In Chile there isn’t much information about all of them, so I would like to learn more by myself. In the future I would like to take a degree in Sustainable Apicultural Management of the Native Forest. It will take about one year and the degree is focused on giving...
  Hello again, I want to tell you who I would like to meet. T his person is J.k Rowling, mostly known for Harry Potter saga, because she is the author of the 7 books of the saga. But most people don't know, that Rowling is a well-known philanthropist who supports charities such as Comic Relief, One Parent Families, and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain. However, I admire J.K Rowling a lot because she invented a whole new world. Her imagination was prolific to write and describe in detail a magical world. Her books talk about the adventures of 3 friends in a magic school. Its name is Hogwarts. When I was a little girl, I was a frequent reader of her books and others related to fantastic worlds. Today I`m not a frequent reader because I don`t have much time but I still read in holidays.  you have not read any of her books you have to do it.

My Favorite Children Program

  Hi mates, today I will write about my favorite children program. The program I am going to talk about is “Cachureos” I used to watch this program early in the morning every weekend. I like this program because I could learn a lot of songs, it was a program for entertainment. where the characters dressed up as different roles. Also, they invited to play, dance and sing. In other words, this children program invited children to keep on moving. I think that the reason  why I liked it, is because I watched it with my cousin. When the weekend  arrived I used to get very excited, that moment was the time to play with my cousin everything we wanted. I remember one time we went to live show of “Cachureos” and saw the “Chicas yeyes, who we loved, it was the best day of my girlhood! The funniest thing is that every time I listen to the sing “Chica yeye” I remember my cousin, because her name is Yessenia.

My Best Holidays

Hi everyone, today i wont write about the best concert that I have gone. Because I have never been to a concert. However  today i will write about the favorite holidays that I had. It was 2 years ago, when I traveled with my cousins. We camped next to the lake Calafquen in LicanRay. All the nights we jumped from the dock and swam in the lake. We spent 2 weeks in a camping. We was about 10 in total. We enjoyed gone to the beach to play volleyball and soccer. We usually slept on the warm sand. In the nights we ate fries and we drank lots of beer. One day we went to the lake Pellaifa, in there we tried to cross the lake swimming but we couldn´t because it was too long, we ate watermelon and bread. Then we went to Huerquehue National Park, it was a great climb, we did it to the top. There we tried again to cross another lake called Tinquilco, it was very hard but funny at the same time. I really enjoyed swimming with my cousins, playing sports and spent time together.